
Friday, 15 May 2015

To Blog or Not to Blog

Aaaah, that is the question. I'm feeling rather Shakespearean of late, not because I've read any or even seen a Shakespeare play, but simply because I was in Stratford last week. Influences of Shakespeare everywhere, including the town named for him. I think I'm holding on to the memory because it was the most perfect of days. A mom-daughter day with perfect weather and a fantastic experience seeing The Sound of Music at the Festival Theatre. If you can go, and you're a SOTM fan, you simply must go. It was incredibly. Kudos to all involved on a job very well done. 

Really got off topic there, my apologies. 

Though I haven't had two seconds to rub together, I haven't forgotten about my dear blog. What to say, what to tell you. So little to share when I'm up to my eyeballs in school work. It seems blogging is everywhere these days, so one is acutely aware of how much blogs have become a part of our culture. Even my daughter's musical at school last night, which was about summer camp, was centered on a character who was writing a blog about the experience. It's hard to believe the word traces its roots back to "web log" coined less than 20 years ago. Now, for some of us, blogs are a regular, (almost) daily part of life. 

There are many blogs that I read regularly, that I really miss if I'm not caught up on. One thing that's not fun about summer is that many bloggers wane with their postings in the summer months. Makes for some boredom. 

You may ask how I have time to read blogs. You're right, technically I don't, and shouldn't. But with the ease of reading them, and how quickly one can zip through a post, it seems like not much of a drain of time. 

So, alas, I leave you with not much to report. I have may a teensy bit of headway on my current hooking project, but with so little time to hook, I am apparently left with nothing to blog about but blogging itself.....

Ain't that a corker!

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