
Sunday, 1 July 2018

Happy Canada D'eh!!

No finished projects to report. It's too dang hot to do anything in my "making" room. Of course, that's my excuse that really only covers the last couple of days (ahem) but I'm rolling with it. Actually there is a project almost finished, so maybe a report will be forthcoming soon.

In the mean time.... I interrupt this dead silence with a brief hurrah for one of my greatest loves: Canada!

Sure, we've had our bad times, we've had our screw ups. Many of them. And we won't forget about them. However, today is about embracing all of Canada, all of our people and saying "you're awesome, every last one of you". 

What I especially love, is every nook and corner of this country. Here's a few to share. Have a great day, everyone!

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