I took a photo of a barn many years ago, and had always wanted to do a rug of it. So this was the perfect time. I enlarged the photo, transferred it to red dot, and got it onto my linen backing.
Wools were selected, as a starting point. Though a few changes have been made since then. And then I got started with the hooking. I had a couple of good hooking sessions, which really got me rolling.
That was last week. I haven't had much time to do more since then. And I think even though this was the second version of the vine wrapping around the silo, it will probably be removed again and I'll see if I can improve on it. So here's where I am today.
Need to do some dyeing to get my barn wool "shadowed" for the other side of the silo. Also have some wool selection to do for the remaining green areas, to distinguish them from the already existing green sections. Fairly happy with the progress though.
Need more time!!!